Residents and Children on Gypsy Lane |
The evidence within the catchment change report suggests there is 100 live births each year and a sustained intake of 87 children, this is an unsubstantiated figure. Arfon Hughes from the residents association has raised this point in correspondence with the LEA
In simple terms, the ‘over subscription’ of MYH is predicated on 87% of all births on the estate translating into demands for school places. Yet in both the Option B and Option C reports prepared by your department, between 31% and 33% of all children in Broadlands attend other schools, for reasons including language and religion. Applying this, existing ratio of children to pupils to future growth would yield a demand of 67-69, matching exactly the PAN figure for the school.
This is a clear indication of OPTION A being the most logical option. Both of these options are going to cause a major issue for families with children already at the school
Make sure you write into the LEA with your feedback by March 1st.
In case you didnt read the article