Leave Maes Yr Haul School Catchment Area Alone (Broadlands Residents Association)

This blog is about the local council proposals to change the local school catchment area and how it impacts current and future residents of Broadlands Bridgend. The community are united in its view that NO CHANGE is REQUIRED!

13 February 2010

Broadlands Residents Association

1 comment:

  1. I am sorry I could not be there on the day as I also feel very strongly about this, I would just like to say having a daughter in year 5 in Maes-yr-Haul, she walks to and from school on her own, and I would NOT feel that she would be safe walking down that lane on her own, after after school activities that do not finish until 4.30pm! It would be a perfect place for Pedophiles and rapists to hide out!!!
    Karen Woolen
