Leave Maes Yr Haul School Catchment Area Alone (Broadlands Residents Association)

This blog is about the local council proposals to change the local school catchment area and how it impacts current and future residents of Broadlands Bridgend. The community are united in its view that NO CHANGE is REQUIRED!

8 January 2010

Routes from Broadlands to Laleston Part 2

After attending the Residents meeting last year, our family and neighbours took away the clear message that our other children may not be able to attend Maes Yr Haul School (even though our first child is in attendance at the school and our second just due to start when the catchment changes). Both of us work full time; split schooling would cause an issue in being at both schools for 9am. The representatives from Bridgend Borough Council at the residents meeting made no guarantees about a position for our child, even with siblings attending the same school. In practical terms this will mean that at least one of our children will be late for school every day (even driving from Maes-Yr-Haul to Laleston between 8:30am and 9:00am takes at least 10-15mins due to the volume of traffic within Broadlands and secondly the school run at Trelales brings additional traffic problems). Trelales is an excellent school and both Schools are comparable on teaching standards - its certainly our second choice - this is not the issue, but having children at 2 schools is difficult.

Current Route to School: If you consider the below map, you can see the routes to school from western broadlands, or Clos Henblas and Rhodfa Mes (green/yellow lines), there are safe routes via cycle paths and only crossing a small number of speed restricted roads. The Broadlands development was designed with the school and facilities at the heart of the site all linked by the safe cycle routes.

If the proposals go ahead (the blog post here shows that BCBC are moving forward with this) there are some key issues with the route into Laleston which need to be addressed, see this blog post - you can see that the route via Gypsy lane has no footpaths and secondly its being used as short cut by drivers wanting a fast route from North (A473 to South A48). Perhaps this needs to become a pedestrian only route?

There is also the issue that we'll need to be in two places at once!

Key: Green block (Rhodfa Mes), Orange Block (Clos Henblas), Red Block (New Development Cae Gleision).

View Maes-Yr-Haul Catchment Changes in a larger map

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