Leave Maes Yr Haul School Catchment Area Alone (Broadlands Residents Association)

This blog is about the local council proposals to change the local school catchment area and how it impacts current and future residents of Broadlands Bridgend. The community are united in its view that NO CHANGE is REQUIRED!

2 July 2011

School Catchment Proposal is Ready

This may well be one of the final update posts to the blog;  The LEA are ready to present their proposal to the cabinet in July.  Over the last 2 years we have had full backing of the residents of Broadlands with  a clear message to Bridgend Borough Council to "Leave Maes Yr Haul School's Catchment Alone!"  The officers of BCBC have not presented conclusive figures to demonstrate a reasonable trend of growth over the next 5 years (considering development on Broadlands has come to an end).
The issues of siblings priority and family unity are specific examples where BCBC have avoided comment nor commitment to keep families together. 

The report didnt get presented at the Cabinet meeting In June, however it is likely this will go to Cabinet in July 2011. 

We hope that the officers report is indeed reflective of the issues raised by the Broadlands Residents association in this document

We will keep you updated with the latest status as it happens.

Thanks for all of your support!