Leave Maes Yr Haul School Catchment Area Alone (Broadlands Residents Association)

This blog is about the local council proposals to change the local school catchment area and how it impacts current and future residents of Broadlands Bridgend. The community are united in its view that NO CHANGE is REQUIRED!

6 March 2011

Spring Bulletin from BCBC features statement on the catchment

The spring bulletin from BCBC mentions the catchment. The bulletin features a statement from Alana Davies - Cabinet member for children and young people comments "... changes to Maes Yr Haul catchment are necessary"....  We hope that the cabinet member thinks about the children first and ensures that families are kept together whatever the outcome.  Its been less than 1 week since the consultation was closed. The report findings are being produced. Again , we hope the report is fair, balanced and takes on board the feedback from residents, parents and carers. 

BCBC Spring Bulletin

4 March 2011

More Coverage in the @glamgazette this week

Our concerns have been published in this weeks Gazette - this is the 3rd article in a month - thanks to the Glamorgan Gazette.

The article summarises some of the points raised by the Broadlands Residents association.

You can read the response letter  here 

It is the Association’s view that the proposed catchment changes will have no effect on the immediate problems at the school.  We have identified a potential means of addressing this short term problem and await the education department’s considered response.
In the longer term, we do not consider that the data presented gives a sound basis for determining that any change in catchment is necessary at all.  In view of this, and the serious concerns about the effects of change on our community, we support a no change position.  Even if the education department’s forecasts are accepted, (which they are not) the options presented will have very little substantive effect on the forecast longer term pressure on Maes yr Haul School.  

1 March 2011

Broadlands Residents Association Response to BCBC on School Catchment Changes

The formal response from the BRA can be found

Maes Yr Haul Catchment Consultation Ends - Watch This Space!

Today marks the end of the public consultation on the Maes-Yr-Haul catchment.

We will continue to post the views, feedback and further updates over the next few weeks - the consultation with the public might have come to an end, however the Bridgend County Borough Council Officers will need to take stock of the feedback from the Broadlands Residents Association, parents, school governors and our local councillors in addition to the true facts and figures, they should be making a BALANCED and TRUE account of the information that has been sent to them.

We will publish some more of this feedback.

We await the findings and will report on them here.

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